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  • 资源简介:《C4D摄像机动画技术训练视频教程》(中文字幕)
  • 详细描述


    001 Welcome.mp4
    002 What you should know before watching this course.mp4
    003 Using the exercise files.mp4
    004 Framing a static shot.mp4
    005 Animating a push-in with position keyframes.mp4
    006 Animating a pan with rotation keyframes.mp4
    007 Enhancing camera moves with F-curves.mp4
    008 Animating a snap zoom.mp4
    009 Creating and animating a simple camera rig with a null object.mp4
    010 Automatically targeting your camera at your subject.mp4
    011 Adding subtle imperfections with the Vibrate tag.mp4
    012 Smoother camera moves with the Align to Spline tag.mp4
    013 First-person POV with the Virtual Walkthrough tool.mp4
    014 Sweeping shots with the Camera Crane.mp4
    015 Tracking shots with the Motion Camera tag Spline setting.mp4
    016 Create a trailing camera with the Chase Object setting.mp4
    017 Creating a canyon fly-through with Automatic Banking.mp4
    018 Creating a steadicam effect with the Motion Camera rig.mp4
    019 A-to-B camera moves with the Camera Morph tag.mp4
    020 Kinetic type animation with the Camera Morph tag.mp4
    021 Next steps.mp4

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