
Substance Painter 铲车制作

【7514】-Substance Painter 铲车制作

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  • 资源简介:Substance Painter 铲车制作
  • 详细描述

    Substance Painter 铲车制作

    Ex_ Files_ Substance_ Painter. 2018_ EssT
    001 Leaming Substance Painter,fIv
    002 What to know.fv
    003 Exercise fles.flv
    004 Creating a project and importing the mesh,fIv
    005 Navigating the viewsflv
    006 Understanding texture sets and sttings.flv
    007 Understanding display settings.fIv
    008 Setting up a shader.flv
    009 Importing content.flv
    010 Baking the maps for the projectfIv
    011 Using Match By Mesh Name,flv
    012 Fixing overlapping UVs.flv
    013 Fixing ambient occlusion (AO) using Clone Brush.flv
    014 Creating the base materia.fIv
    015 Adding scratches to the roughness.fv
    016 Creating edge wear.flv
    017 Creating and applying a Smart Materia.flv
    018 Creating the base and rust material.flv
    019 Masking the rust with efcts and generators.fIv
    020 Instancing the material.flv
    021 Refining the rust on the bucket.flv
    022 Finishing the bucket.flv
    023 Texturing the back.fIv
    024 Adding a second painted material.flv
    025 Continuing to apply materials.flv
    026 Mirroring details.fIv
    027 Painting bolts.fIv
    028 Improving the metal.fIv
    029 Creating the rubber.fIv
    030 Texturing the rims,flv
    031 Texturing the cabin inside.fv
    032 Texturing the windshield.fv
    033 Texturing the lights.flv
    034 Using the UV projection manipulator.flv
    035 Creating the dirt material.flv
    036 Using export configurations.flv
    037 Rendering in Iray.flv
    038 Next steps.flv

    Substance Painter 铲车制作
    百度网盘分享地址: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZygCrs5gG5-duZ9MgTr8tA 提取码: urse